The Funniest Tweets From the Halloweekend (October 30, 2023)
Have some laughs before getting last-minute candy for the children celebrating Halloween on the actual day. You can contemplate your adult decisions later.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Do you know what the best cure for the Monday blues is? Some fire tweets while you nurse your hangover from Halloweekend. Make yourself a prairie oyster, sip some coffee, and scroll through some funny tweets while you try to forget your antics at the Halloween party over the weekend.
This gallery has everything: Ice’ Spice in Betty Bop costume that could surely kill an 18th-century sailor, hyper-efficient Halloween parties, new uses for the (potentially deadly) Panera Charged Lemonades, and a car with the most dark-sided items scattered over the center console. And don’t forget the LA guy who ranted about New York deli’s balking at his scooped gluten-free bagel (just get the gluten-free bagel, scooping it means you just want to dip a cracker in cream cheese, sincerely a previous gluten-free bagel scooper).
Have some laughs before getting last-minute candy for the children celebrating Halloween on the actual day. You can contemplate your adult decisions later.